Two points well taken. (1) Do stuff yourself. (2) "My new hot key..." profile announcement on master.
This "profile announcement" technique has occurred to me and I may well do it one day.
The only downside is the bad actor still can pretend to be you in the "no longer valid" hot wallet. Bad stuff coming from my username and my avatar going out to my followers is a bad look. Gonna guess very few would ever do the legwork on corroborating things by checking my "master key" profile with its "this key is no longer valid" announcement. Frankly, who'd even know to look for such a thing?
The takeaway I'm gathering here is that it's simply not possible to "burn" a private key/nsec (to neuter its ability to do anything) and transpose the "account" (followers, notes, etc) to a new one. 😞
The only downside is the bad actor still can pretend to be you in the "no longer valid" hot wallet
Sure but probably not for very long, word gets round
As soon as he does something bad people will stop following him and say "yeah I don't like so-and-so anymore because of X bad thing" and then someone else will tell them, "Oh, that's not him anymore, his key got compromised, this is his new key: <whatever> -- and btw if your client supported nip-whatever it would have automatically migrated you as a follower to his new key. Use client-whatever or ask your dev to add support"