BRICS continues to expand as a "block" with hostilities inside, not so far ago there was Azerbaijan v Armenia war, which could be seen also partially as a proxy war between Turkey and Russia.
Ok, they have some common economical grounds, but you can't look at them as an alliance in a same way as EU or NATO.
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Give it time and wait until the economic cracks in the Eurozone show up. Remember what happened during the GFC? Only the money printer is holding this together
Euro will fall, I have no doubt in this, but what it has to do what I said about BRICS? EU and eurozone are not the same, not all EU is part of eurozone (although I also am pretty sure that EU in existing form will collapse at some point). But BRICS is less of an alliance than European Coal and Steel Community in 1951.
but you have to admit that there is a clear convergence between the European Union and the eurozone. The euro is the vehicle for forcing states like Croatia into the overall eu context.