I'm not saying there aren't future stackers on X. You can farm on most land, but some land is better for farming and some of that land is better for farming specific kinds of produce.
Fair point but I think conversion might be easier on X. People are very memetic on X.
That'd be an interesting experiment. Afaik most of kr's work showed other forums converted better. Regardless, we won't neglect anywhere intentionally.
Honestly, I need to make a more concerted effort on both X and Nostr with the Stacker Sports accounts I have created. I rarely post and engage. I have referred a couple people from those places but I could be doing a lot more. I think now that it is summer and it seems like of slow here on SN, I am going to spend some time trying on stacker acquisition.
92 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 12 Jul
Let us know if we can help and what you find!
Often times stackers will post links from other platforms like X, reddit, HN, youtube. It would be really cool if there was a way to automatically notify the original content creator that their content is being shared on SN. I know ek tried notifying HN users when his bot reposted their content on SN but with little success. Wondering if it would be effective on other platforms. A couple weeks ago I posted one of joenakamoto's youtube videos on SN and I DM'd him on nostr to let him know and that I had forwarded the post's sats to him. He replied thanking me and I noticed this week he posted another of his videos on SN. Small victory.
I am wondering if we can SN pill other content creators this way and if we can maybe they will become SN advocates to their followers on other platforms.