Take the quiz.
I didn't want to enter my email, so I didn't get my official result. I'm pretty sure I'm a Questioner, though. My wife is definitely a Rebel.
I share your fascination with these types of frameworks.
This diagram is interesting. It seems to imply that I can relate to Upholders and Rebels, but not Obligers, whereas you can relate to Questioners and Obligers, but not Upholders. https://m.stacker.news/39373
By virtue of her culture, my wife is an Upholder. Which makes her exasperated with me because I happily flout certain unspoken rules in Japan. I stick out like a sore thumb by being the only person to jaywalk when there are no vehicles around. (All the Japanese wait dutifully at the traffic lights!) I also like to eat while walking - another social taboo in Japan.
I think I can survive around Upholders though. The teaching system is full of protocols and best practices. But I like to do unorthodox things just to remind myself that my spirit cannot be captured haha
The positive spin is that you and your wife are highly complementary.
Is anyone surprised by my result?
Upholders are so annoying!