When does a person's life change?
  • Socrates: When he knows that he does not know
  • Senka: When he knows the limits of his ability
  • Dostoevsky: When he suffers alone
  • Nietzsche: When he transcends himself
  • Sartre: When he believes in his freedom
  • Frankl Victor: When he finds meaning in his life
  • Schopenhauer: When he exceeds his will
  • Cioran: When he dies
  • Spinoza: We change according to the requirements of necessity and not in response to our freedom
  • Milan Kundera: We change when we realize that this world is beyond repair
  • Simon de Beauvoir: When a person vomits his heart
  • Carl Jung: When we understand ourselves and see the dark side of it and the seeds of evil.
And what do you say? https://m.stacker.news/39340
Troy Barnes: When you find out everyone else is just as stupid as you.
A good one!
Everyone repeats 5th grade
Dostoevsky, Frankl and Jung
Frankl never ceases to amaze me
Great list