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Member of the Public

Member of the public means you are part now of a community controlled by the state; accept this and you’re trapped.
It gives a new meaning to Public Transport, Public Healthcare and Public School.
Opening your business to the public is not the same as becoming public. There are three basic levels to commerce.
  1. You Become Public: This means you have registered your business with the government and are now fully responsible and liable for all government legislation and regulations, including taxation. The state owns your business.
  2. Open to the Public: You are a private business with no connection with any government agency, so you have not agreed to follow any legislation; furthermore you are not contracted to any of them, including taxation. You can run your business how you see fit, but you are liable to the rights of anyone entering into business with you.
  3. Private: Your business is 100% private, and not open to the public. The people you do business with must enter into a contract with you.
and yet bitcoiners want to write letters to politicians asking for permission to use Bitcoin... LOL what a shit show.
You have state in lowercase, this means the republic! State and STATE is referred to the U.S.
in legalese