We desperately need a way to move USD on lightning (without the drawbacks of things like stablesats). Users in these places clearly just want a cheap way to move dollars around and we can't offer that (at any scale, or without the flawed stablesats system) at the moment.
It's absurd that the tx fees for these things are going to the miners/validators on other chains.
Why you mention drawbacks of Stablesats? The people I know using them with BBW are quite happy
The issue with stablesats is it relies on a third-party custodian holding a derivative position on a custodial exchange (bitmex, etc).
It's definitely a nice feature for bitcoin beach wallet (and the SBW stablesats wallet), don't get me wrong. People should know the tradeoff, though.
I'm for Argentina and it's crazy the bias the "cuevas" have for Tether here. I tried to push for DAI to them, but after the Tornado Cash debacle the only thing that makes sense is a Stable on Lightning.
Have you tried to use Stablesats in BBW? bbw.sv