@south_korea_ln is definitely the smartest in math, science, tech, computers, AI, physics, etc
@oliverweiss is strong in math and statistics
@Undisciplined is a wonky libertarian economist, loses points for not reading Hayek
@siggy47 is our resident lawyer, very well read, liberal arts and humanities guy, life experience, lots of wisdom, a sage, great person to get advice from because he is old which is my nice way of seeing he has seen a lot everywhere
@grayruby is our resident sports fanatic and pundit; my go to person for questions about Canada; great parental resource, did you see that list???; seek him for advice on how to start and run a business
@didiplaywell is our expert in Argentina and how to endure hyperinflation without killing yourself or losing your sanity; I assume he will be our travel guide for Buenos Aires and Argentine women
@Coinsreporter and @BitcoinAbhi are the experts on India
@petertodd and @kristapsk are very smart and knowledgable about bitcoin, coin join, privacy, etc... also very knowledgable about Ukraine and Russia and NATO
@freetx is a fellow Gen X who embodies the ethos of Texas, bitcoin, the Federalist papers and covid dissidents plus very knowledgable about Linux and Liquid/Aqua
Let me know if I missed anyone, apologies in advance for glaring omissions
Very comprehensive list.
I'm also expert on other countries and many sports.
my man 🤜 🤛 honoured for the mention, my pleasure to introduce you to Argentina and our gorgeous women
Argentina is on my bucket list for travel
You are absolutely welcome 🫂
Gorgeous women are more important than intelligence.
I will trade 20 IQ points to enhance my appearance by 20%.
"the client is always right in matters of taste" My only observation is that unless you're deformed (god forbid) you don't need to make that trade to get the 20% enhancement. You do need to make other trades
make other trades for sure lol
Solid list!
We got lots of highly motivated and intelligent people, its seriously hard to vote!!
I forgot to include @cryotosensei and his wonderful stories about teaching, parenting, job interviews, travel and the nuances of English prose.
I especially enjoyed his food vocabulary lesson.