I don't understand why you see Lightning privacy and coinjoins as a dichotomy.
They don't contradict each other at all. You can be confident in good privacy in Lightning AND support better coinjoin infrastructure/innovation.
He refuses to understand that without coinjoins and other onchain privacy techniques you may often leak information when opening LN channels.
Please show me that "leaked" information that provide my true identity.
me ... my
You are too egocentric.
Imagine I might have received onchain payment for some work done from somebody, who knows my identity. Then I use that UTXO to open new LN channel from my node, without using coinjoin. At that moment person / company who paid me with 50/50 probability knows pubkey of my home LN node that otherwise runs over Tor and are anonymous.
1 ^ 2 = 1 :)
1^3 cheers!
Use the 3 levels stash and all will be fine. Think like a bank, not just be like a bank...
And there's no need to open a LN channel directly with the received onchain sats. You can also buy a channel from a LSP and not reveal that UTXO. Are many ways to hide your channels...
Doing coinjoins in step 2 is simpler and more private. When you do onchain vs LN swap, swap provider can correlate onchain TXO with LN node pubkey. Which means you need to do more than one LN wallet, adding extra hops there, where, again, coinjoin is simpler. Basically, you are trying to avoid coinjoins at all costs, even if it means spending more time and effort. That doesn't seem rational to me, but your choice!
I am not against coinjoins. I use them in the past. Only that now with LN I find them just as another way for "cash-grab" from fools. So I do not use coinjoins anymore. And I know very well how to use LN with many nodes and wallets.
I find them just as another way for "cash-grab" from fools.
By running JoinMarket yield generator, you can earn fees from participating in coinjoins, instead of paying them.
Coinjoin was used in a pre-LN era and was good for those times. Now is kind of obsolete and like a honeypot trap and a tool for "cash-grabbers" fooling noobs. If you still don't know how to "lose trace" using LN, it means you still have a lot to learn about LN.
Lightning and coinjoin are two different ways to achieve privacy, with different trade-offs. They complement each other. Which is why I use both. In particular, I often protect coins with Wasabi, and then use those protected coins to open Lightning channels to get the funds back into Lightning.
I used Wasabi and Whirlpool in the past, in the pre-LN era. I don't use them anymore. Not useful for me. LN is enough for what I do with BTC.
Don't put all your security eggs in one basket...
watch me, using the 3 levels stash