Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
European / American Finals. Predictions?
Spain vs England
Argentina vs Colombia
Day 167 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 60+45+40 normal/narrow, 20 side-to-side, 30 diamond; Total: 195 (Day 271 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 170 of 120+ pushups per day)
I saw this before... 1/7 .... 117 ... One One Seven
Christmas in July?
Always trying to find ways to balance the social life, with the work & physical fitness. Sometimes I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. Grateful to do things that improve my life in these three areas - and of course in SN.
67 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 11 Jul
ETFs make bitcoin boring.
But they make retirement funds more exciting
13 sats \ 3 replies \ @gmd 11 Jul
Havent kept up did Breedlove get uncanceled in the BTC community?
Fuck cancel culture. Just because someone does something wrong or says something stupid in one area doesn't make everything they do or say invalid.
no idea but it was a good interview with Dave Rubin
Breedlove won points with me with this interview
I used to dislike him because I found him pretentious and a little fame made him insufferable.
He is much more chill with Dave Rubin.
13 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 11 Jul
His money series with Saylor was epic, although mostly because of Saylor.
One month the learning English and my day:
Hello everyone, Today, It's a 31 day its a my leaning English. In this time I spend a 51 minutes daily in a Speakly. This is a 26 hours in a languege app but, I don't only used speakly to learn this languge. I for example today watched films in a YouTube English languge chanels 1 hour and 40 minutes. In this time I wrote a text in SN and wrote messages in a discord. Btw. in fact I spend 30-40 hours in a learning language. Yes, speakly is my a primary knowledge language. Okey, but I talk in a title of my day. I in this day I more work in my English. In a 7 a.m. I wake up, but I eat a breakfast in a 9 a.m. In 12 I start watched a YouTube films in a English. Btw. I very low time spend in a YouTube after learn English. For efekt this watched is a 5 films for a economy because I'd like it. But, I get a sleept and I sleep in 1 hour. In the second wake up I eat a diner. My diner is has a great tomato soup. After diner I used a spekly for a 1 hour. Afrer this time I go to the my chickens and get one egg. I watered my tomatos, carrots and watermelon in my garden and back to used speakly for a second hour. In this moment is a 10 p.m. and I writing this text. I know it's are mine level language is have a various at the day and you maybe get a suspicion reaction for a my learn this languge, but I have a knowledge from gpt if my language lvl is a A2 in CEFR. Btw. I get a progress because the mounth before my lvl is a language tests is have a A1/A2 or A2, in this time is have only A2 is a results.
Random weird bug. I was trying to see @DeezSats profile and if they've posted recently. When you go to 'Items' it breaks the site or something, on PWA too. @k00b @ek
I just liked this exchange haha
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 11 Jul
Honestly surprised to not see more Jewish participants who seem to be quite well represented in Math/Physics departments.
All these students are outliers, they are one percent of the one percent
Jews have won the most Nobel Prizes in Physics
Jews have won 35% of all Nobel Prizes since Alfred Nobel died on December 10, 1896.
Nobel Prizes are given to the recipients in Sweden every year on December 10.
The Peace Prize is given in Oslo, Norway.
Hurricanes suck, but this is a wonderful article otherwise. Thank you for sharing!
Necessity is the mother of invention
Love from Nepal all of you stakers ❤️
Has anyone noticed a difference from the new referral system? #600103
155 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 10 Jul
It won't make much of a noticeable difference until part 2 ships. It's mostly just attributing right now without rewarding. I'm nearly done with part 2. If it doesn't ship tonight, it'll ship tomorrow.
I noticed a spike in referrals on the analytics page. It also looks like July is seeing more activity than June had.
Bigger rewards -> more stackers
More stackers -> bigger rewards
Wow! It's upto you what you want. Bigger rewards or more Stackers? Both are same. Do you mean that?
I see when new Stackers join SN, initially most of them are hesitant to zap content generously. Either, they don't understand what SN is all about or they come with a prejudice for SN as another faucet.
I'm saying it's a positive feedback cycle. A bigger rewards pool will draw more stackers and more stackers will increase the rewards pool.
Yes, I understood your point. I was just telling that the new Stackers should directly be made aware about SN works. Instead of writing 'welcome' under the bios, we can post links which give them information about how SN is the greatest V4V platform ever.
I've been slacking a bit on the welcome committee. I used to tell them all to zap big and zap often.
@k00b are you going to the conference?
10 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 10 Jul
Yes. I'll at least be in a hotel room in Nashville.
133 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 10 Jul
@Car is planning a like SNL there too. Details will be announced soon I think.
Please send my "regards" to Saylor 😂
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 10 Jul
Waiting to confirm with venue before making announcement.
Looking forward to it.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @plebpoet 10 Jul
you guys really toss around some UgLy photos in here
Free real estate
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @bief57 10 Jul
I saw this image that says: "I need vitamins D (dollars)" I would change it to "I need vitamin B (bitcoin)."
Vitamin B Komplex is better
Question for stackers: are you guys mixing 2 types of beers?
Example: take a dark or toasted beer (with more than 7-8º alc) and mix it with a normal blonde one (4-5.4º alc).
Tell me your "recipe" of mixing beers.
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try mixing a german and a belgian beer 😂
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Ah swimming lessons at the public pool for my boys! The boys bike there and I run, so kinda a triathlon, lol
We have who big money and power want. It’s sad and not a democracy.
OMG 🙀 It's already Wednesday, we're already halfway through the week!! the days are riding on a rocket 🚀
Day 452 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 16 of trimmin' the fat (94.7 | 80.0 | 2.9).
Keep going 🐌!
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Repetitive-ass rainy day
Day 205 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 908 sats on 9Jul2024! Running total: 126,063 sats!
A beautiful winter's day in Auckland, NZ Also: Day 166 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 16 pike, 16 pseudo; Total: 160 (Day 270 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 169 of 120+ pushups per day)
Welcome to NZ!
Thanks, happy to be here :)
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 10 Jul
That's beautiful.
if you are using BTCpay to accept payment, sharing two IMPORTANT things!!
  • don't freak out if you do not see the funds land in the wallet, most likely it's due to the gap limit #409125
  • better mark down ALL the wallets that you had ever used, the last things you want is you don't know which is the right seeds
don't ask how do I know 😂 phew!
11 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 10 Jul
What do you mean
I mean, I dont know how the leaderboard places someone up or down the order. Is there any criteria, any specific objective that someone needs to achieve to be placed higher than others?
101 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 10 Jul
  1. Your posts and/or comments for the day are ranked higher
  2. You zapped the top posts and/or comments for the day earlier and more generously
Thank you so much! I just wanted a simple and objective answer. Even though, I've been in top 5 ranks, I'm not that able to understand about it in technical language. Sorry if it bothered you at all. Thanks again!!!
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 10 Jul
I guess he asked for the "secret code" for the ranks
Nah! Even if I get the secret code, I can't do anything without, I think. I'm a normal farmer without any formal technical knowledge or education.
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 10 Jul
Day 12 of weight-loss-posting everyday ’til I reach 75kg (current weight 89.5kg).
Day #3 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
Got the nut! Thanks!
LOL apple fanboi Is so hard to post a general link to ALL ecash wallets instead of that trash apple link?
Didn’t know this link existed! Will switch tomorrow thanks
When you use something what are you going to do first? Read the fucking documentation!
I really do not understand people using apps without reading the documentation. should be the first stop to read for anybody that wants to use cashu.
This is a pipe dream. 99.99% of people just want stuff that works I watched a BTC sessions video and off I went
99.99% of people just want stuff that works
Bitcoin is not for the weak... only for brave and knowledgeable.
Bitcoin is not for the weak... only for brave and knowledgeable.
In the long run, sure. In the short run, it is also for the brave and dumb.
Don't depend on a time machine.
Stack Sats and stay humble
Howdy! Day 62 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. What a great match from Spain last night!
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 10 Jul
Yeah. That youngester got some skills.
I think it’s early to say but he looks promising. If he keeps performing to this level…..
91 sats \ 1 reply \ @zana 10 Jul
Enough rain for my lemon tree. You guys have a great day. Take care and keep stacking.
Thanks to my son’s keen interest in animals, I learnt today that elephants, chimpanzees and dolphins can recognise their own reflection because I brought home a copy of National Geographic. Parenting is like schooling again - only the education takes off in quirky ways.
Once in a while I hold my cat up to a mirror. He couldn't be less interested. Not only doesn't he recognize himself, but he doesn't seem to even perceive the reflection as a cat. On the other hand, I had a dog who would start barking at the TV if an animal appeared on the screen.
This is called self-awareness. Other animals can do it too.
134 sats \ 0 replies \ @fed 10 Jul
Day 13 of collecting taxes from stackers.
Collected so far: amount of sats redacted.
336 sats \ 11 replies \ @Lux 10 Jul

Entering the Public World

There is a time and place to enter into the public world; opening a business to the public is the most common form of going public, however when you do, do so on your terms.
When you enter the public world chose the identity you wish to use; either keep your status and stay a living breathing sentient man or woman, or you can use your legal identity. But be warned, using your legal identity does come with certain risks, as your status has been significantly lowered.
Note: in a free world you would not need or use a legal identity. This is placed upon you since birth, without your consent and therefore against your will. However, until this fraud has ended, we must deal with your legal identity in day to day life.
To better understand this we need to consider which definition of the word Public is being used, what it means, and why it can be a trap.
Let’s take this one step at a time. First you need to conduct your life in private, meaning it is no one else’s business what you do with your life, or with whom.
Your interactions with others are also private, and again is not the business of anyone else. In fact if anyone tries to gain information on you, without due cause or contract, then this would be breach of your privacy rights, trespass against you and a criminal offence. You would be well within your rights to make a counter claim against them, for breach of privacy.
However there may be a time when it’s beneficial or advantageous to go public, especially when carrying out an affidavit.
Going public would mean making your private business common knowledge to those who wish to know.
The most common purpose for going public is “breach of contract”. This is where you have entered into a lawful private contract, but the other party has dishonoured it.
They are now in your court and under your law, so you would uphold your breached contract to the public for all to see.
This is why it’s called uphold the law, and not enforce the law.
Establishing an affidavit, or wedding contract would be other reason you wished to go public, or attending a common law open court, or perhaps giving a public notice of your intentions within a counter claim.
None of these acts lessen your status as Sovereign; however going public and becoming public are two very different things.
Going public does not mean you are now a member of the public, this is very different.
100 sats \ 3 replies \ @Hamstr 10 Jul
I found out that if you're getting married in Alabama, you keep your marriage license, or they issue a common law marriage certificate. So when you get married there, you don't get married into the state at the same time... 🤔But I'm not sure if I would to get married there stiil..
50 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 10 Jul
You can make your own papers anywhere
I just thought it was interesting because it's the only state that I know that does that.. And from an islander's POV it's like red neck country? (not trying to be rude here) So people end up marrying their cousins or brothers or something weird. I hope I'm wrong here, it's just the idea that's been displayed from the show ,"My redneck wedding" or something like that.
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Haven't read them all. Have you covered dba - doing business as identities?
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 10 Jul
54 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 10 Jul
Going public and becoming public are two very different things. Got it.
Note: in a free world you would not need or use a legal identity. This is placed upon you since birth, without your consent and therefore against your will. However, until this fraud has ended, we must deal with your legal identity in day to day life.
I love talking with entrepreneurial ppl! It's so energizing talking about how you figured out XYZ and sharing fun hacks.
Last night, I got to meet some cool ppl who got exactly the experience I lack atm, and little did I know that few years ago, I only knew a few Turkish words when I first settled down in Turkey, but now I even got to learn / see things from local's eyes.
54 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 10 Jul
That's great.. Keep moving..
it's really nice that ppl are opened to share their first hand experience, and telling you what's possible!
80 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 10 Jul
You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones on every dog that bark.
Day 4 of my daily posting journey, after my hat was stolen by a mischievous prairie dog.
previously: #601954 🤠⚡

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