“The European Environmental Agency tells us that everything above 55 decibels is making us sick,” he says. The fact that the Granbury Bitcoin mine is emitting 70 or even 90 decibels on a nightly basis is “like torture,” he says. “The most spectacular cardiovascular diseases will develop. They have to stop the machines.”
I'm pretty sure downtown NYC is around or above 55 decibels but I can't imagine living there. If they are 70-90 db that is terrible. And ASICs are that loud.
They don't have to stop the machines though. This is a fixable problem.
this territory is moderated
I feel like most big cities, especially ones like NYC, are pretty loud. I don’t know a decibel rating for reference but it’s astronomically different than what I imagine living in the county in question is like (pre-mine, of course). This has to be a major shock to all residents