What Is This?

This is an experiment inspired by discussions and posts made by @Undisciplined, @elvismercury and others regarding evergreen content on SN. I’ll dig back into the past to try to locate some great posts that might be worth another read. I plan to make these posts every Tuesday.
Here are this week’s selections:
This is pure gold. I remember it well. It was my first year on SN, and it just reinforced for me the quality content that can be found here.
The story of DarthCoin’s citadel, told by Darth himself. He’s probably angry that I picked the post. BTW, I’m still waiting to see the citadel cam online.
Why would Darth be angry? He is a nice man! Although, very wise man become eccentric as a tendency!
DarthCoin doesn't like all these attempts to bring back good older posts. He thinks it shows that the OP (me😀) has run out of things to say. Maybe he's right.
I love these posts since I wasn't in those times when these posts were written and shared.
That's my point. I want them to live on with the next generation of SN accounts.
Have we had any citadel updates yet this summer?
I don't think so. I think his injury slowed progress.
deleted by author
It still looked pretty bad last week
What a story by @DarthCoin!!
Where are other links of showing progress with the Citadel? Can't help reading all! Please share if you know.
I don't think there are more, beyond those links at the bottom of the post.
Yes the citadel construction stall at part 2 due to an injured finger. I just went today to see the site how is it after many months. Maybe will be able to continue in July - Aug - sept but not sure will be finished this year.
I'm now waiting for it eagerly. Get well soon, Darth!