The Jab?

The question I will always ask is: Are the people who are getting sick people who have accepted the MRNA "vaccines" into their lives? I mean initial jab, #2 jab and "boosted"?
No Agenda has noticed and deconstructed many "health events" that are happening since 2020 and it the same, heart trouble, cancer gone wild. None of the medical professionals connected with pig pharma incentive programs will even ask this question and they are more than happy to find another cause.

The Sound?

The next item is sound. Yes, high decibel sound will make you sick. No doubt. If marathon wants to be a good steward they need to put up concrete sound barriers like many city highways have, or they need to put the sea containers in the ground.
From 1995 to 2000 I was an Army National Guard Fire Support Specialist (13F) (DIVARTY (light)). I had a humvee and a big generator that I hauled with me. THis powered 3 radios, 4 computers, a fax machine, digitizer and other goodies. For a two week operation I would get the engineers to dig a big hole and we put my generator trailer in it.
As noise and light discipline is important to the operation a noisy diesel generator is a great way to get shot or mortar checked. The hole and the the complete terrain immersion created a super silent situation. It was not uncommon to get lost on moonless nights in scrub pine forests because you could not see or hear anything.

Data Centers in Northern Virginia

We have huge data centers in Northern Virginia and they are for the government, Amazon, Google, Facebook and all big businesses. They create noise, heat and use a whole lot of power. They will provide a device to monitor your home power use while the infrastructure to use that internet of things device is more than you will use in your lifetime.

Big Operation Suck, Blow and need to be decentralized

Everyone needs a bitcoin mining device, transaction device and communication device in their home. As cluster computing seems to be a yesterday theme it would seem that an appliance maker would be the one to make this happen. Unfortunately people don't want to deal with money. They just want liquidity. So there is that.
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Excellent points.