In truth, it was not "a significant electoral victory" for the left. Despite coming third, the National Rally had the highest increase in vote share, compared to the first round.
Truthful to themselves, and without surprise, the left, when in power, does what it knows best...
this territory is moderated
120 sats \ 2 replies \ @TomK OP 9 Jul
The WEF is in full control. Look what happened in UK.
How will they form a majority coalition?
Macron will acquiese to their gross demands?
Tricky, whatever comes out of it will be very fragile.
We have already seen in Germany that all parties then move closer together, because in reality they are only one party! all outsiders are eliminated from participation in power in this way.
AfD is unique?
13 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 9 Jul
If the AFD is not a secret service project, then it looks like this. they are not in a position to form a coalition with even one other conservative party. The conservatives are more likely to form a coalition with the communists.
Outsiders must remain outside