They should export to Russia instead of EU
Fewer regulations in Russia
this territory is moderated
Russia's GDP is about the same as Spain's. Russia is a physically large county. But they're relatively poor, only a bit better than Mexico for GDP/capita. They're nowhere near as big of a market as the EU.
If Russia didn't have oil and gas they'd be truly broke.
Russia's GDP: Approximately $2.02 trillion
Ukraine's GDP: $160.5 billion
Your point? Russia isn't fighting just Ukraine. They're fighting Ukraine and the dozens of countries supporting Ukraine. US GDP alone is $25 trillion.
Russia's GDP isn't going to stay $2 trillion either. As Ukraine keeps on blowing up Russian oil and gas facilities that will drop. The Russian economy is very vulnerable to military attack. We just need to let Ukraine destroy it.
My point is Ukraine cannot expect to achieve pre-2022 borders or Crimea
War is hell and they have to be realistic
I'm sure many do, but the EU is richer than Russia and closer to Africa, which makes it a much better potential trade market for African farmers.