I love this picture. And I love the meaning behind this picture.
This photograph portraits the full moon behind some barbed wire. The focus is on the wire itself and not on the moon. The moon represents our goals and our dreams. It is shiny and beautiful, but it’s out of focus. The barbed wire it’s our own mind that cages us with our issues and our fears. This part is completely on focus.
To me, it this image tells me that concentrating on what could go wrong prevents me from reaching my dream. If i focus on fears, i cannot see the dream correctly, thus cannot reach it. Concentrating on the dream, can make me overcome my doubts.
What does this image telle you?
this territory is moderated
Fear is something to be felt, not followed. However, it is not to be ignored, because one might need to analyze the approach.
fear has always been and always will be a paralyzing emotion, acting directly on the reptilian brain. living in a state of fear means being unconscious and having no control over the body or the mind.
what a sound mind in a sound body experiences is nervousness, restlessness, anticipation, which an intelligent man/woman follows-up with preparation.
Agreed. However, it is not something you should be concentrating on. It’s there, you see it, you feel it. But you do not want to live by it.
The power to fulfill all our projects and dreams is within ourselves. Working for our dreams is something that must be done continuously every day.
Time. We never seem to have enough of it.
The only thing stoping me from reaching my goals is enough founds and stacks
don't be a square^cubed (a tesseract). to me this condition means creating rigidly-framed thoughts, emotions, and actions.
What is the purpose of the net?
It’s a private park, the net is to prevent access