
Public vs Private

How your Rights are Taken

We need to be honest and truthful from the very being, you rights and freedoms are never taken, they are given away, it’s just that you didn’t know how, or even saw it happen.
You need to get your mind-set right, and know that your freedom and rights can never be taken; the system tricks you into giving them away.
The people who control the system do this through many deceptive tricks, one is to lower your status; another is to pull you into the public and out of the private.
They do this by using the tactic of fear to get you to consent. This is not a new tactic, in fact it’s the oldest one in the book, and this warning is often told, time and time again, throughout history and in religious text.
Note: Temptation can also be used against you, but fear is more effective.
Simply put, evil needs you to agree to act upon you.
For example: The Devil requires you to agree before he can act, vampires need you to freely invite them into your home before they have power over you. These tales are repeated in almost all languages, cultures and religions.
Although the true existence of these fabled creatures is up to the individual to decide, the message is true.
VERY important piece ! Thank you for posting it. Many people nowadays do not know on which side (public or private) they should act for specific actions and most of the time they confuse public with private. They were tricked, as you said, to not know on what side they are.
Police cannot enter into your house / property at least you are inviting them inside. Once they are inside they will start looking and ask questions. NEVER do that (invite them inside). FUCK'EM like this