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Nerdaxe with a baby cucumber package as a cover.
Humble beginning, but I mostly agree with what you've said. Its just the chances of winning a solo block with this is about a billion to one, so it should never be expected to win.
Agreed, and I would suggest that bitaxe (with a single asic ) should be thought of as more as a learning tool, enough to make you want to get more hash - hey there may be a bitaxe that cracks it. Part of the fun no?
I think if public-pool won a block it might influence more people to start solo mining. Maybe its already happening as all the bitaxes seem to get sold pretty quickly.
As for solo mining its interesting to know that there's a chance to win a block, and you have to be in it to win it.
Exactly, I’m running an Apollo 2 node + miner - there’s zero reporting back to FutureBit etc unless the owner advertises they win a block (op_sec says no) so there’s potentially many solo miners that have cracked blocks that are unknown
But everyone can see that it was won by a solo miner. Ex:
Its still very rare.
I stand corrected!