The only run in I had was with campus police at the local college where I usually train for soccer. It was literally just me and my friend, no one else, training at the campus field and they told us to bug off because we were being 'irresponsible and inconsiderate', 'engaging in illegal activity and putting other's health at risk'.
Other than that, police enforcement was pretty minimal. It was great because everyone just voluntarily stayed home in fear or compliance so my gf and I just ventured out more since there was less traffic and places we love going like the beach became our own private beach essentially.
I do remember early on though, I went to a bank ATM and I rarely if ever wore a mask around since I just never felt the need to, and walked toward the ATM where there was a father and young daughter in front of me with masks on, and they turned around seeing me without a mask and both of them just gave me this death stare and quickly scurried along. Good times!
That's what I'm saying! I liked it when it was private, n no mask. But no one gave death stares, here. More like concern?