Recently I've been struggling a lot on trying to live by my values and try to explain or justify my actions with family and friends. I find myself more isolated the more I dive deeper in my rabbit holes and more I get exited to learn more, more I feel I'm leaving my dears behind.
I try to explain, try to bring them with me in this journey but there's no way they can give up on their conservative behaviours, most of the time living me with a deep sower taste in my mind, a feeling of hungry and disappointment that tell me to leave everything behind and continue throughout this journey.
Fam and Friends are what made us, are part of what we are. But what when things goes to the opposite side? How many of you had left behind loved ones, to honor a life that is more aligned with your own values? There's a famous saying, that suggest you become what people are around you (or something between these lines, can't exactly remember) If you surround yourself with negative people, you'll become negative. But if you surround yourself with successful, growth-minded people, you'll become successful too. Whatever negative or positive is from a subjective perspective, I assume the majority in the long term will make the difference. Considering myself the minority, in this case, I also know I'll not be going back to those values and I'd rather follow my own journey.
It's sucks, a lot! But's I'd rather put my efforts and energy to find a more like minded people and community in a different location more than continuing wasting my time in this toxic environment.
I feel like I want to leave everything behind and create a new life, I do not belong here anymore. Does anyone else has been through similar brain-dump before? Do you ever regret taking a similar decision in your life?
I don't know your story, but you're making it sound like an all-or-nothing decision. What about respecting their choices, as ill-advised they may be, and still following your own path? If you don't need their support to do your thing, you can surely have them along as passive bystanders without alienating them.
Thanks, appreciate your response. Yes probably is a bit extreme, black and white view, when I know there could be plenty of greys in between and I also could make a difference in choosing which scale to create. Buy lately everything has been toward black, and that's why I feel in need of a radical change.
Don't get me wrong. Sometimes a clean cut is the best of many bad choices. I've seen it happen, close to me. It's just not in my personal nature to make such drastic choices. Then again, I was never forced to make them.
At the end of the day, you need to be true to yourself. What others think really doesn't matter...
You don't have to give up your friends though...just stay true to yourself. Respect everyone else's opinions, but be willing to articulate your own. If some can't accept your views, then the choice is theirs as to whether they'll stay friends.
(And truthfully at some point you may decide that your friends have some good views, and your outlook may evolve---but if you insulate yourself with only like-mided people, you also will remove some opportunites for personal growth).
Sit tight, stay true to yourself, and let the chips fall where they may....
Thanks for your considerate response. I recognise they are valuable, they have brought a lot of value and support in the past, but I feel that the only way to stay true to myself is to cut the connections and found new ways of living. It's hard to accept their way, because it's not motivating at all, if not self self-destruction. I see the ship sinking and I'm kind of tired to pump water out when others aren't doing much apart complaining. I feel they are bringing me down with them, don't have many and that's why these weird ideas come to mind. The simplest decision it look's to be, but not the easiest one
A journey isn't for everyone else necessarily. It's for you.
A journey isn't for everyone else necessarily. It's for you.
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