Today, marks the day when I can finally say that I've got my turning point. To be precise, I've left my 9 to 6 slave job that I hated for almost 20 years, but had to continue for my obligations to my family.
Although, it feels more like freedom but it's better to call it a turning point because I've been under 'a hamartia' since the beginning of this year. Feeling much relieved, I'm also surprised how it took me 6 months to overcome my indecisiveness.
So, if you're thinking, what's next for me? I've foolproof plan. I'll just go to the ways of the old times. Got some land here, would be fun gardening for mangoes and guavas plantation in a 10 hectares of ancestral land. Would be growing my grains and plucking my Veggies daily from plants. Yes, may be I'll be earning less, but I can't tolerate my kids swallowing fruits and vegetables that are grown with the help of modern pesticides.
Yes, I'll be working harder for the next few months but I know the rewards will be enormous. I'll not only have time to read books of my likings but I can play with both of them (my kids). This is a turning point that I think is not only mine but for everyone around me.
I've to say, I'm grateful to SN for providing me strength with positive vibes that I gathered by reading so much full of enthusiasm and 'a new world talk' a new approach (for me) with Bitcoin.
Today, when I ask Steve Jobs’ question to myself, “If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you’re about to do today?”, my answer is always 'Yes'. What is yours?
Cool! I think I've got an answer for my future here. I won't do a job now. Instead I'll work in my fields too. Great Article!!
If we just limit our needs and save in Bitcoin, I don't think we require any other job.

Chop wood, Carry water!

I learnt this Stoic saying from Stacker News!
I also 😀
Having time and space to read what you like is a pleasure that I recommend to anyone... it is excellent Me When I arrived here in Peru 7 years ago... because I did not have my documents in order I had to accept jobs of 12 hours or more .. and obviously he didn't allow me to share with my son and that frustrated me a lot.. I have currently been working for more than 5 years on my own as a cell phone accessories salesman.. and I manage my time and I can read the books Whatever you want... since I've been in the world of Bitcoin I've been reading about economics and how to strengthen my ability to sell... I'm currently reading a book called Cryptoeconomics and I'm really liking it 👍
I started working very early. I was just 11 years old and used to distribute newspapers in the morning. I was paid nearly 7 or 8 dollars every month in those times but that became my turning point and that was my true earning.
Thanks for asking!!
Surely, life changes a lot after it. For me it was more like a time when I evolved as a more responsible person..
I left my job last year. Just thinking if everyone leaves one by one who will do the jobs?
Are jobs really required? Do we have any other solution?
Best of luck with your freedom life!!
I think jobs should be done as responsibility and they should be like I do your work and you do mine.
You're surely talking about your cat. Don't you? 😜 How did it become a turning point in your life?
you fall in love, it changes your life...also with a cat...or a dog....or what you want....silly question.....sorry
I think that human beings have had the freedom to always take different paths and to be able to change them. Pursuing our dreams and projects is something we must work for every day.
The turning point in my life was when I started freelancing I've been a:
  • Telephone interviewer
  • Internet safety evaluator
  • User Tester
  • Crew member of a moving company
  • Event assistant at a running company
  • Created blogs, webstores, a podcast etc.
In the bitcoin space Hustle has been a:
  • Jr. Bitcoin researcher
  • Business development manager
  • Community Manager
  • Open source contributor
Hustle plans to continue developing his writing and coding skills, while pursuing new freelance opportunities and working his full time job. Before going down this route, Hustle was eating chicken tendies in his mommas basement watching cartoons in his undies, unconcerned with the realities of the world. Now, Hustle can't understand why everyone isn't joining the revolution to separate money and boggles his mind.
Freelancing means freedom of work. That's one great way to achieve it.
Thank you for sharing your experience and from where I am I send you my best vibrations and blessings for the rest of your journey. Reading these things fills me with the power to continue stacking and one day say that I have had a similar turning point, just what you describe It looks a lot like my dream and helps me keep looking for it and stacking up to achieve it. Thank you,💪🤠⚡
I'm also looking at stacking more learning and Sats to live rest of my life.
Congrats! Welcome to the first taste of freedom:)
I have a few turning points in life 👀
  • learned English which enabled me to access an ocean of information to learn whatever I want
  • quit and started writing online, stacking skills along the way
  • left where I was born and exploring what the world can offer
  • discovered Bitcoin
Thanks! Thanks for telling your turning points as well!
Your turning points are going to be my points as well. I've recently found Bitcoin, just an year ago. Now, I'm also writing online. Although, I feel that I need to learn English more. I also would like to roam around the world to learn new things and cultures.
Great to hear. Is money of any concern?
Yes, money is a big concern. Not big for my family but for my plans. I've saved enough for my family funds. For investing in the land, I need a lot of money.
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