in this whole new chapter of rediscovering myself and the place i hold here in this current time of existence, i have come to understand life is just a journey where we all are given a key. and we all walk around with this key trying to see which new doors it unlocks, and whether we have the strength to lock the old ones.
here are some of the doors i have essentially unlocked with my key:
1. live in today, because that’s all that matters.
the time is quite literally, now. the present is all you have. you cannot go back to yesterday or fast forward to tomorrow.
i am so FREAKING SICK. of people asking me what my plans are and what i want to do with my life. why do i even have to explain myself to you when it’s not your life?
learn to stop concerning yourself with what other people have going on and focus on you. western culture has quite literally FETISHIZED this idea of making everyone else’s business our own business. WHY. DO. YOU. CARE. SO. DAMN. MUCH?
do not expect to be living a happy and fulfilled life when all you’re focusing on is everyone else’s flaws and mess ups but your own.
Life is as such for a reason. NO ONE HAS EVERYTHING FIGURED OUT.
2. focus on what you have, and not what you don’t. And be grateful for it.
all I feel like I have been hearing lately is how people don’t have this and don’t have that.
do you have somewhere to go at night to sleep? do you have something to eat? do you have water to drink?
Then I guarantee you, you are in a better position than 80% of the people on this planet.
Learn to give gratitude to what you have now. You will be rewarded in the most beautiful and unexpected ways.
3. let yourself attract, and you will create your reality.
I kid you not, THIS SHIT WORKS. when you let yourself be open to what the Universe will give you, you are rewarded with what you want and more.
let me tell a story:
anila sita is one of my favorite youtubers and after i watched this video, i implemented the tools she provided here THAT SAME DAY. i was getting positive things happening to me left and right.
when you recite your desires with true belief and conviction, you best believe good things are gonna happen to you because they are happening for me.
4. surrender and let go of the unnecessary.
sit back and let things happen.
we are always in a state of stress in the west in some way shape or form. it is a way we show that we are productive, and that we are working toward something meaningful that will pay dividends off later. quite honestly, that is not the way i wish to live long term.
there is always this need to constantly chase what we want. my boyfriend and i talk about this kind of stuff all the time and it really struck me when he said, “the more you chase, the longer it takes.”
learn to let go of the stress and fear and pessimism when making your way toward the things you want. your subconscious mind does not know the difference between fantasy and reality.
if you keep repeating negative thoughts, don’t expect what you want to come to you.
learn to trust, and to believe, and to let things come to you because they will.
life is hard. happiness is hard.
prioritizing and choosing you above everything and everyone else is hard.
yet so far, this is the most fulfilled and content i have ever felt in my life.
more often than not, people will not accept the non-conventional route should you decide to go down it. i am constantly learning to make peace with this every single day.
as long as you have an undying belief in yourself to keep going and you know damn well you deserve to live the live you desire, everything is going to be okay.
if you are going through something, keep on opening those doors and discovering yourself. learn, grow, make mistakes and experience everything. i am always here to listen in the comments. ☺️
Great stuff. Thank you for sharing. 💚
Reminds me of the law of attraction.