Written 11 years ago on my Facebook
I now teach at NorthLight, a school that takes in students who are among the weakest 1% of each year's crop of graduating primary school students academically. Yesterday, as I was watching a video dedicated to celebrating the growth of these students, I had a sudden urge to cry, for I knew that behind these children laid a group of teachers who never lost heart.
Stefanie Sun's concert today turned out to be an emotional ride as I sang loudly, unabashedly her 2 National Day songs--together with my fellow countrymen at our newly built Singapore Sports Hub. Never would I have expected to feel so patriotic during a pop concert.
My insatiable wanderlust causes me to itch for overseas exposure; I long to live in another country, learn another language from scratch and accumulate my tales of cultural navigation. It may be the adrenaline rush cruising through my veins now, but I think maybe, maybe I would be okay even if I were to spend the rest of my life in Singapore. For there's value in emulating the pioneer batch of NorthLight teachers who stood steadfast to their mission of imparting hope to troubled children.