I started writing something about the fissure in white America's identity politics and I wonder if there is a "lost demographic" caused by the cultural discontinuity between Carter and Clinton due to the Clintons' sex scandal.
I recently came to the idea of thymos, which, from my understanding, Francis Fukuyama uses to mean a sense of dignity and self-worth possessed by the individual. When this thymos possessed by the individual is not recognized by authorities and those in power, it causes indignation and rage.
I wonder if there is a sizable population that was morally betrayed then and the aftertaste (and lack of accountability) alienates and bewilders a huge section of the population now.
I think people like RFK and J.D. Vance speak to this demographic from an identity politics perspective...I just wonder how it shakes out in terms of this demographic's ideologies getting persuaded simply by having someone representing them.
(I belong to this demographic. In an ideal world, I'd be voting for Tulsi, but alas that ship sailed.)
Maybe this is a huge "duh" realization, but I think it's important enough to comment about somewhere on this website today. I wrote a little post but I think I'd rather give it more time to marinade...
Sounds interesting. There are similar ideas that people are kicking around, like the perpetually unrepresented Remnant.
Most people don't vote, so a lot is missed when assuming that the two major party candidates represent the dominant trends in our culture.
Vance grew up in Ohio and Kentucky