Easy to control?
I mean the truth is that even Trump didn't have the kind of power they claim he had. He was met with opposition. The system is complex and there are many people in it with their own agendas. I've said it before but the "deep state" sounds all spooky but when you think about it... its only logical and how any large system would work. Over time you will have factions that have their own agendas that do not change from administration. Its like when a company gets a new CEO. They cannot control everyone. They can fire them or threaten them but the larger the org is, the harder it is for the leadership to control. The US gov is massive and really at this point is a complex monster.
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Easy to control?
Well, yeah. I meant that it raises a question for the people pushing this line of reasoning on the public. I don't think the official rationale can be that the elected president should be braindead, because then he can't exert any influence.