I feel like UX has gotten way way worse since the moment UX was invented. The following detrimental practices have appeared:
  • Slowing down interaction because of some animation playing on the screen
  • Removing information about the internal state of the product, like removing the car coolant temperature gauge, even when this information is not detrimental and can be ignored by the end user himself ("why do you need to know that" is an insult to the user)
  • Making state changes automatic when a single setting is changes (Removing the "apply" button and workflow in windows when changing the display settings... yeah, if I want to change the resolution of the displays, scaling and which is my primary display I sure want to wait for the screens to go blank for 5 seconds every single fucking time i change a combo box or a checkbox value... Great user experience...)
  • Making common workflow steps automatic without ability of modification (when clicking on a search suggestion in google, the site automatically searches for this instead of allowing me to edit or finish the search terms... Good that i can at least still do that using the keyboard arrows)
  • Removing functionality not because it is expensive to maintain or because it confuses the users, but because "only 1% use it" or something like that. This is insulting to the user. (Removing the ability to select and copy just part of the massage in most messaging apps)
  • Paradoxically adding 500% unnecessary interaction steps (the elevator in my office building has a touch screen on each floor where you select the desired destination floor in advance. Well, after a period of inactivity the floor selection numbers disappear and a welcome screen appears, which you must press in order for the number buttons to show up... Genius...)
  • Text that does not fit in the box it is show in and is truncated with no way to see the whole text (once upon a time hovering the mouse over such text will reveal it, but I guess this is too useful for modern UX practices)
  • Things popping up under the mouse cursor or under your finger on touch devices, leading to misclicks. This is fucking stupid, especially on a PC with a mouse. The mouse has a right button that should bring the context menu. No fucking menus should appear unless i click this button. It even seems like the desiners design the delay of these automatic menus so that it appears just as you are about to click something, maximising chances of misclicks
Jesus... UX of windows 98 was better than the modern UX... And people defend these practices