Yes, I know both dont get along. But is it that bad that they want to split from the USA?
When I listen to people that hate Trump and his supporters, call him Hilter, and act like the world will end if he's elected I think there is no common ground. Same goes for the right.
It seems that neither side is interested in federalism, or each state kinda going its own way with culture. Its like they both want a strong central gov that forces their own moral code on everyone.
Its like a marriage where the love is gone. No interest in the other person. Just force. It may not happen but IMO the way to avoid open violent conflict is to separate. Most people do not see it this way yet but I see it as the peaceful path forward. There are multiple cultures clashing and the political class keeps stirring up conflict. It will eventually bubble up in violence. It doesn't have to though. Decentralization is the answer.
If you have a roommate and you begin to hate each other its best to separate. Right? If a woman is in an abusive relationship she should leave. Those that oppose succession to me are like like someone forcing a party to stay captive.
One the one hand most Americans support Taiwan. Yet, they oppose a state leaving the union even if a majority of the people in that state wanted to do it. People aren't logical at all.
That said secession seems logical to me. The US is just to big. I'm anti state but I do think more decentralized government is better than a strong central government.
Imagine how bad it would be if several Asian countries were all under one government. The cultural differences alone would cause issues.
Hating on each other never helps. Picking each other up when we are down actually moves the world forward. We as a people need to do better.
If you are interested in understanding there is a short book explaining it very well.