Very interesting article. This stood out: ‘Decentralization is a worthy goal, but in practice it seems that most Argentinians don’t care that much about it, at least not in the way purists talk about it. They’re more worried about whether the government can get their hands on their money; as long as the answer is “no,” they don’t seem to care much about who else has control over it.’
Bitcoin maxi’s should learn this lesson - people don’t really care about the philosophy, they just want the utility. Blind adherence to an ideology always turns off a bunch of people, and decreases the rate of adoption because many people are inherently skeptical of aggressive sales strategies. They feel like there is a gotcha.
The only way the utility of fucking the government can exist without the ideology of fucking the government is that someone else somewhere else has this ideology and fucks the government successfully.
Agree, without the fundamentals in place Bitcoin doesn’t solve their problem. So the “purists” have their place to ensure the state of the network. Than others can benefit from whatever aspects they need. That is the beauty of Bitcoin. It can be whatever you need, be it in the moment of use case.
At the same time there will always be some shitcoin or stablecoin there to suit their niche purpose.