If someone were to ask you what would be the ideal profession for the next 50 to 100 years, what advice would you give him or her?
The massive presence of artificial intelligence (or madness haha) among us and its rapid progress seems to render human contribution useless for certain jobs.
Will this trend continue? Will artificial intelligence (madness) manage to replace a large part of the human workforce?
Which professions would be irreplaceable by artificial intelligence (madness)?
Just don't overthink it.
White collar work now. In the near future white collar work double checking AI. In the far future you'll see if LLMs changed white collar work more than robotics changed blue collar work or vice versa.
And after that maybe something that's fun for you. Something you enjoy. Maybe something creative. Like painting or music. Maybe something with human2human interaction like service industry. Maybe something where slapping the "handmade" label on has value like becoming a chef or artisan luxury items.
Generally staying optimistic is the best rule of thumb.
After thinking a lot, I can just come up to sports and fine arts which can't be replaced by AI.
Sports, if AI players are involved in matches, I doubt they can ever get recognition and fame as real players get.
Fine arts is such a real talent that requires so much creativity, no AI can't be creative to beat human brain.
Unglamorous trades and craftsmen will likely be in high demand:
  • plumbers
  • electricians
  • carpenters
  • masons
  • mechanics
People push trades a lot but i hear a lot of complaints from friends how the "old guard" keeps new comers out to keep wages high. If you can break in it can be lucrative but i can't tell you how many of my younger friends end up going to other fields because of poor or non-existent on-boarding practices. God forbid if you're a woman too, I don't want to be woke but a lot of the people in trades aren't exactly egalitarians.
The occupation of today and the future is working with your hands. This is where the word, "man" comes from. Man means "hand".
We will work with the Earth making food, building shelter, removing obstacles and presenting what is good, building what is needed and honoring the human life we have been graciously given.
A woman is a man with a womb. A man is a being with a sophisticated hand. In Sanskrit, Manu was the first human. Manas in Sanskrit is mind. Manufacturing, Manual labor, Manifestation all deal with the hand.
So the next activity in the future of work is providing and honoring the privilege of being human and having this beautiful world of work.
Sat means Truth or infinite Truth, Chit is "mind" and Ananda is bliss. This Karma (Literally PROOF OF WORK) is what our hands must do. All activities that remove the hand are what we mean when we say in the West, "Idle hands are the Devil's work."
Manicure πŸ’… Manacles are handcuffs
In other words, as long as we have hands, we should not fear AI, right?
27 sats \ 1 reply \ @jgbtc 3 Jul
Musician and artist. With the over abundance of AI generated garbage there will be increased demand for real human talent.
Tournament theory still applies
The trades can’t be replaced by AI.
AI? Maybe or may be not!
I don't think that AI could ever replace where it requires any type of creativity. Agree with @IamSINGLE
I don't think that AI could ever replace where it requires any type of creativity.
I believe it, too.
Teaching is the only ideal profession which has existed for centuries and will remain for centuries.
Electrician, Plumber, Welder. No one now (or very, very few) train in these professions, so it will create a vacuum, so there is an idea... :-)
Ya, I forgot about that one, Right on...!!!
Reminds me of this:
"Riding the AI wave" https://fountain.fm/clip/a93s5oY1pSlZ1LsikTyW (11 min clip)
Home repair or handyman?
the medical field seems to be in a sci-fi movies.
Just go with technology, when it is in such a fast pace like now. nearly impossible to tell.
And imho there is no such thing like perfect.
Everything is inperfect :()
Mechanical engineer with mad coding skills.
If he can make great tools then he will be very blessed.
Privacy wrangler!
Provide literally anything people will need to stay off the radars, all the way to Gattaca style spoofed fingerprints and freaking DNA, and you'll never be out of work!
Getting the risk-reward ratio right as well as being found by the right people is a real challenge of course...
I think a lot of the trades are very ideal. People dont want to be plumbers, electricians, farmer, and janitors. These are just some of the trades that the old is leaving, but not enough new people coming in.
I think that one of the careers that will be very difficult to replace with artificial intelligence will be medicine, especially if we see it from the point of view of responsibility and the dominant social model, at least in South America and in many other places... where when a patient undergoes a procedure and for some reason it goes wrong... I find it very difficult to sue a robot or computer for having performed a bad breast operation... those injured in a medical process who die The family member at least wants the person responsible to get 30 years or what we call a life sentence here in Lima, Peru, the country to which he emigrated 7 years ago.
i believe A.I development would be the best option ,As AI continues to evolve, the demand for skilled professionals to develop, maintain, and improve AI systems will increase.
navigating terrains, waters, and skies in a way that is safe and fun. a.i. has no capacity to care about a man or woman, so face2face interactions will be the most profitable and most valuable. a ton of information gets lost in a face2face human conversation: forward-backwards, superficial-deep, logical-abstract, plus the cymetic frequencies.
teaching people how to think in common senses and how to ask questions, to both a.i. engines and to humans.
Physical trades in 10-20-30 years(we are already seeing this flight). Right now I think white-collar work is still the best, but it would be important to understand how AI works, how to interface with it - and ensure the outputs will add value to the organization.
Well yes ai would be dominating us in the near future and if we talk about profession to work in future would be jobs related to IT.
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