That's a good point about connection @k00b. This is the argument for free trade leading to lower likelihood of war. Its not an aspect of bitcoin I hear talked about. If we de-nationalize money. If we take it out of the hands of the state/s. If it is owned by all and controlled by none would that not lead to a better world? A more just world?
If we remove the ability of politicians to prevent trade and commerce we could see more connection between people. Most people from nation A have no beef with a person from nation B. The governments have conflicts over power. Yet, the plebs pay for the wars with their lives and wealth. Look at Russia and Ukraine. The real losers are the plebs in both countries. The winners are those in power and those that build the weapons of war.
Things like this are why I'm so passionate about bitcoin. For the first time in my life I can see a future with less war and conflict. I don't think it will end conflict or war but even if it reduces it by even 25% that would be worth it.
55 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 2 Jul
This is the argument for free trade leading to lower likelihood of war.
I hadn't heard this before but it makes obvious sense.
If we remove the ability of politicians to prevent trade and commerce we could see more connection between people.
Interesting point. With governments and institutions in-between us transacting all the time it's a bit like having sex through a bedsheet.
This is the argument for free trade leading to lower likelihood of war.
This is the argument I heard many years ago for opening up trade with China.
Gross analogy but a good one.