The most base reason is truth.
The fiat system is based on deception and ignorance. The masses have no idea how money works and my guess is that the Fed and how money is created if it were explained to them would anger them deeply.
1 bitcoin is one 1 bitcoin. No inflation of the supply that isn't auditable. No inflation once the full amount has been minted. The deeper I go into economics the more I see the effects of the deception. It completely distorts the business cycle. It distorts people's priorities. It distorts markets. It distorts morals. It distorts behavior.
A economy and culture built on lies will fall. It will be corrupt to the core. Add to the fact that most people do not know what fiat even is, let alone how it works and you have the world we live in. A world where the central cause of so many problems is ignored by those claiming to care about the problems.
Fiat is a lie. Bitcoin is truth.
I can't disagree with you!
1984 Oceania
Perpetual war