If they ask me why I care, then I'm going to talk about how Bitcoin returns control over wealth to the people from the state: they can spend it how they want, when they want, and it can't be devalued by crooked politicians.
You want to tailor your case to the person you're talking to. If it's someone who cares about privacy, focus on those aspects. If it's someone who cares about corporate greed, focus on those elements.
Persuasion is about meeting people where they are and addressing concerns they have. Making an abstract case about things they don't spend time thinking about is not generally going to work.
You want to tailor your case to the person you're talking to. If it's someone who cares about privacy, focus on those aspects. If it's someone who cares about corporate greed, focus on those elements.
I think you are right! Perhaps this way could work better. Never thought that.