If proof were needed that currency unions between completely different economies with widely divergent productivity are simply dysfunctional, Greece is providing it these days and years. Since the last major debt crisis, Greek real wages have fallen by a staggering 25%.
People are compensating for the completely misguided attempt at a common currency with their lifetime, their economic energy and their future. This is a social disaster and is actually unacceptable!
This is really sad. Great country with great history, their ancestors probably fuming now. Or maybe they are paying for "sins of the fathers".. who knows. Very sad.
Paying for the sins of their grandfather
Before the euro , the Greek solution to currency devaluations was eat drink and be merry
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 2 Jul
They were the cover story during the last debt crisis and banking meltdown in the eu commie zone
what it means '... at constant prices' ?
Inflation adjusted (their numbers, so it's much worse)
I think that in Europe or what they call economically the Eurozone they are doing things in the wrong way... the countries do not want to get rid of so much bureaucracy and also many of these countries do not facilitate or are flexible on immigration issues... that from one point In view of the young and efficiently managed workforce, it boosts any economy and gives a break to the social class...
The entire EU bureaucracy is not about efficiency. This is a gigantic power apparatus that is systematically siphoning off the sovereignty of nation states. This process can only be reversed if the Eurozone economy collapses
a lot of things started after 2007/2008.
its pivot moments in history ~
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