Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Day 159 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 263 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 162 of 120+ pushups per day)
Do you prefer working from home or working in an office?
Pizza and movie night with the fam!
The secret to life: get enough sleep, drink more water
Electrolytes help too :)
I am adding two more, do exercise and eat healthy food.
Yup a fit body and peaceful mind are things that can’t be bought!
Absolutely right .👍
Always networking and trying to find ways to steadily grow who I associate with.
If it is true we always want to go west, could privacy always be the final frontier of technology?
What's this! I have no wallet attached to my acount but I'm not able to pay for comment internally.
Looks like you were able to resolve it. Can you tell us what you did to resolve it? Did you click on retry payment?
I reposted it. Copy + Paste after 10 minutes edit window was over.
I retired it many times, but it didn't resolve.
If you know that your very essence - your soul - is capable of withstanding anything, even death, how can you be afraid of anything?
friends and relatives who are deeply attached to the meat-space may not be able to handle dramatic events smoothly.
Eh, sounds like that's their problem
thought of the day: the danger of state-sponsored mining in the short-term: electricity for hashing suddenly becomes extremely cheap, and the cost of electricity is passed onto the poor residential consumers. scheduled shortages, limits on electricity use, etc. on the other hand, mining jobs become lucrative, because someone has to clean and maintain the machines.
Day 197 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 839 sats on 1Jul2024! Running total: 118,943 sats!
Is your office noisy, quiet, or somewhere in the middle?
We have recently moved to an open space office, so it’s rather noisy these days but could be worse. We are not so many people actually.
Ok. how many people are there in the office?
153 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 2 Jul
If you all aren't following our X account, some poet (I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say who), is writing poems about your content on SN:
Is it a plebpoet?
Some should be puzzles and have bitcoin as prizes this is a haiku
Thanks for sharing. Very nice.
Maybe we should crosspost them to our nostr account
Follow the experiment a social test emergent converting old into new evergreen and gold imbued. Beat back the chaos of time to say, I was here, this is mine.
Great work. 👍
@DarthCoin, how is your citadel going?
Bad. Unfortunately with this injured finger I couldn't go to continue work. Still recovering. Maybe in August - Sept will go.
Oh, sorry to hear that.
What happened to your finger? Typed too much in your crusade against shitcoiners?
In May I was helping a neighbor, farmer, with his cows and I had to keep the head of the cow steady with a cord until he was putting some bells on their neck. So one cow moved suddenly her head and ripped off a part of my finger with the cord. The whole meat part of the finger until the bone was off. I could see the bone and nerves moving without meat. Grotesque imagery.
The healing went really nice, the whole meat is back and the skin is growing nice covering back the finger. I still have the nail to cure or fall off, that was used to cover the missing part. But is still fucking painful. I can't do heavy work without touching this finger and is still very sensitive. Is like 80% recovered.
Ouch. But what a recovery, the human body is amazing. Sounds like no permanent damage except scars? Do nerves also grow back?
Yeah amazing how it grow back. I wasn't expected that. The whole meat is back.
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I woke up early, enjoyed a delicious breakfast prepared by the servants, then went on a tour around Egypt with my guards. Now, I am lying down in the cool air, sipping a cup of fresh milk.
til you can download twitter spaces with yt-dlp
needs authentication though
Good morning stacker friends. One of the new ways of thinking that I have adopted in my life since I started seriously with bitcoin, has been to advance in my study and progress at least 1% daily. Every day I choose a day to work in my study, Read, listen to podcasts, do exercises, practice, Stack some SATS, among other things. And it is quite difficult to have to do this in a self-taught way, since the organization of how to consume the content tends to be a mess when you do not have a marked path, but I am quite happy every day I improve in my organization and make progress on my objectives 1 % at the same time, this has been a new challenge in my life, which showed me the light, and I wake up from the eternal dream when we live in 2020. After those events two years later I fell into the Bitcoin rabbit hole and now I am using tools like "Lobseq" to better organize myself with my study tasks, and be able to better manage my notes, doubts and thoughts or ideas that arise during the day, "The Proton calendar" to be attentive with specific dates, I am using password managers (Bitwarden or ProtonPass) to generate and manage my keys, I am learning to use the Applications from F-droid , among other tools. I am surprised, 5 years ago I did not do any of that, now I only have my concentration focused on the fact that I must continue looking for my 1% day by day, and in 10 more years my results will be totally different and thanks to Bitcoin I will have been able to achieve my objectives. And thanks to Bitcoin I woke up and started looking for the missing knowledge because... "What I know is like a drop of water and what I don't know is equivalent to an ocean"
I read somewhere that when you improve by 1% a day, you will be 37x better at the end of a year
Oh yeah! So we are going on a good route! 💪☺️⚡🍊
Today, I woke up late because I stayed up late last night, and my breakfast and lunch became one meal 😂😂😂. I washed up, drank my favorite beverage, and went to my computer. I started researching and reading about modern history and discovered that we are living in the best and easiest period of time. I also wondered if this is one of the reasons we tend to be lenient with the things we find difficult.
I started looking into the reason and discovered that our tendency to deal with difficult things leniently is due to our habit of having ease in most aspects of our lives. This has been my day so far
Day 158 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 262 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 161 of 120+ pushups per day)
Good morning everyone!!! Tuesday has arrived and so far so good, a beautiful day, but as they say: "There's a calm before the storm", hurricane Beryl is gaining force and headed our way, taking precautions and hoping it will loose intensity but we'll cross that bridge when it gets there, in the meantime let's get busy working and getting things done, we've got this, my friend. Strategies set and working, tweak them if necessary, as long as you hit your weekly goal, it's all good, thank you for everything you do and all your sacrifices, I appreciate your efforts, let's keep on keeping on there is a reward for those who persist and have the patience, grind away and enjoy it while doing it. May your Tuesday be phenomenal and filled with success. As always, be well and stay frosty.
After the debate last week, gaslighting ran out of gas ⛽️
they going to replace him with someone more fitting to them ~
It seems democrats do everything for the success of Donald Trump.
Unforced errors
And they don’t know who he or she is
Howdy! Day 54 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. Have a great day!
Today, posted my first python program interacting with Nostr
Happy Tuesday
"Yesterday, I was intelligent, so I wanted to change the world. Today, I am wise, so I change myself." Rumi (Persian Poet from XIII century)
100 sats \ 3 replies \ @Taft 2 Jul
Day 4 of weight loss posting every day ’til I reach 75kg (current weight 89.8kg).
14.8 💪💪 go go.
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 2 Jul
Thanks! It's too much and too difficult, but I'll try.
Never think it is difficult. Everything will be done easily. just keep going
204 sats \ 7 replies \ @Lux 2 Jul


Pro is from ancient Latin and means “in front of”, “forward” and “for”, therefore pro vs con means “for” vs “against”.
Other examples:
  • Profession – Pro “for”, fess “to speak”, ion “action of”.
  • Progress – Pro “forward”, gress comes from Latin meaning “step” or “move”.
  • Promise – Pro “forward”, mise Old Anglo-French for “settlement”, “agreement” or “right”.
  • Product – Pro “forward”, duct from Latin meaning “led” or “course” or “draw”.
33 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 2 Jul
We are pros ➡
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 2 Jul
we for speak the actions of
program problem pronoun protect provide
11 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 2 Jul
what's the etymology?
The challenge is for you. Do these words follow the same logic ?
53 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 2 Jul
Do these words follow the same logic ?
ain't nobody got time for that :) program problem pronoun protect provide
Day 59 of posting till next Bitcoin halving.
1386d 08h 56m 56s to go!
A long way still...
Day 444 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 8 of trimmin' the fat (97.0 | 80.0 | 0.6).
Hang in there, you've already made it through the first week! Keep it up.👍
Never underestimate the hard training of snails! 🐌
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These fluctuations are normal! Just focus on what you are doing daily to bring your weight down. Keep going strong! 💪🏻💪🏻
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107 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 2 Jul
Butterflies cannot see their wings, but the rest of the world can. You. You are beautiful and while you may not see it. We can.
Day 3 of my daily posting journey, after I lost my cowboy hat in a wild shoot-out on the outskirts of town.
previously: #592572 🤠⚡

234 sats \ 1 reply \ @fed 2 Jul
Day 5 of collecting taxes from stackers.
Collected so far: amount of sats redacted.