I don't think lightning or bitcoin has anything to do with the subscription model. Furthermore i think there is actually no API for streaming sats (like sanding 1 sat per second).
The subscription model is desirable for the companies because it gives the companies more predictable revenue. Furthermore almost all of the costs are fixed to them.
Once upon a time there was what was called pay-per-view payment model, where you pay for a movie and then it is available for like 24 hours after payment. This is technically possible both with lightning and credit/debit card payment. It is not usually implemented, because companies prefer the subscription model.
There is even a tendency to turn things that are not naturally suited for this model in subscription. For example you Americans subscribe for a gym membership, when this is totally unnatural requirement. Where I live you just go, pay for the visit and workout. Without signing anything. (I hope we don't catch up with the American model here.)
What you want is some other change. Forcing users to subscribe can be done even if bitcoin is the only currency used.