I'll be honest-- I still zap here as much as I used to per time spent here, but my time has been split with other platforms, including Twitter. I'm really almost exclusively interested in Bitcoin, and I find that most devs are on Twitter. I'm also on Nostr but it's a meme circus.
Some other thoughts--
Bull markets create NGU Bitcoiners and modern times bring bots and scammers.
Bear markets bring true Bitcoiners, and convert the NGUs who haven't sold.
NGU Bitcoiners are hoarders AND don't have much to say. Though there are many territories here, everyone ARRIVES here because of Bitcoin. We could have an inflow of 20-something degens from Reddit Bitcoin sub, but I really don't think you want those people. I occasionally DM people on various platforms to tell them about SN, but it's deliberate and targeted at those who I think "get it" enough to fit in here.
A natural ebb does not indicate disaster. Seasons for all things.