When did anyone say that 'Bitcoin is illegal'. I'm not very old with Bitcoin but I've come to know that Bitcoin is beyond legal and illegal terms.
Thanks Darth! Withe these everyday posts, I learn and confirm a lot of things about Bitcoin.
These are questions from nocoiners / bitcoin haters (buttcoiners) that we hear over and over from the beginning of Bitcoin.
I accumulated them over all these 12 years I was in Bitcoinlandia and now I just want to post them one by one on SN, so others can share them with more nocoiners asking over and over same questions.
You can see more like these on https://endthefud.org/
Thanks! I'm bookmarking your every post and it'll be a book very soon. Whenever I'll meet a nocoiner or buttcoiner, I'll slap them with these.
I'll have a look at the link. Thanks again.