Thanks for the mention
The team at voltage is great but this post misses the mark at least as far as my direction on it.... Lightning is NOT for streaming payments.
Lightning is actually very bad at streaming payments, there's only so many HTLC's you can have on one side of a channel, each payment has a real world cost, and paying pennies per minute is not a real world problem that needs solving.
Paying $20/mo for a streaming service, yes that's retarded legacy fiat contstruct because of credit card processing overhead, but the opposite extreme of paying per minute of consumption is equally retarded.
Through operation of Lightning.Video I've talked with a lot of creators, many involved in the strike last year in Hollywood... and it's disintermediation that needs solved. Cost reduction is an added benefit. Payment privacy is too, particularly in the smut category.
Think about it, if you're a studio selling content on Amazon etc, you're completely reliant on them for distribution, they take exorbitant fees, and you're completely trusting them to tell you what you're cut is and give it to you.
One particular studio told me their payments just stopped out of the blue despite continuing evidence people were consuming their content and this was the primary reason they were involved in the strike, having no recourse.
So Lightning isn't about streaming payments, it's about every creator that wants one to have their own streaming service.... and trusting no one to mediate the relationship with consumers, and cutting costs by 75% while increasing margin. THAT is what we're pushing towards with LV (and better Lightning infrastructure to enable it)
Great point
So Lightning isn't about streaming payments, it's about every creator that wants one to have their own streaming service.... and trusting no one to mediate the relationship with consumers
This! I knew you will come up with a very good point.