I tell people an idea So the richer bitcoiner buys the property. then they own the property, but they can fractionalize ownership of the property, and the renters would pay to own shares, which over some period of time decided upon by the owner, would amount to enough shares to own the whole unit. Can work for a house, or a condominium building. You need a base maintenance fee, which cannot go to ownership, but anything above that can go to ownership.
I don't quite know how you work this out in bitcoin terms due to volatility, but in some manner that's how the thing works. It could be dollar equivalent in bitcoin monthly for the time being, but it does not have to be.
I think actually, if you could choose, you'd want to price it in gold, because median housing value priced in gold is flat if you control for credit bubbles (aka in the long run), but its merely that you accept payment in Bitcoin and whether the seller holds onto the Bitcoin after the sale or buys dollars with it or buys gold with it is up to the seller. Nontheless, this method defunds the banks.