Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Is your home office noisy, quiet, or somewhere in the middle?
My long-awaited teaching interview will happen 45 mins later. Wish me luck!
Good luck and Godspeed!
Hello I am testing a new open source app to translate, you can download from F-droid is called "translate you" is great and it is an option not to hear the google translator, I hope to serve other people, keep stacking.
Les see. Bitcoin pods on my run today! Good vibes!
So excited for some upcoming travels! I am very grateful right now in my life.
Day 157 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow; Total: 128 (Day 261 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 160 of 120+ pushups per day)
anyone looking to go to the bitcoin conference in Nashville? I have an extra ticket! For sale
A poker hand:
5$/5$ No Limit Texas Holdem. Hero on the button with JsJc $550 effective.
Under The Gun (UTG) limps for 5, folds to Hero, raise to 25. Villain in Small Blind (SB) re-raises (3bet) to 55. Folds to Hero, re-raise 125 (4bet), SB calls.
Flop ($250) 4d7d8s SB goes all-in for 425 total, Hero calls.
turn: (1100) 2d
river: 8h (1100)
Hero wins showdown against the SB's TsTc
I’m noticing a few bugs on SN right now, nothing serious but are you guys noticing anything?
For example my notifications don’t seem to be updating…
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 1 Jul
I haven't deployed yet
I thought it's about /notifications where afaik was no bug
Are you not seeing this as a reply in your notifications?
oh, might be because I am a freebie, will post another reply paid with sats.
Yeah it’s fine now thanks. Notifications back. 👍
That moment when you go to the park to ease back into exercising by starting with some rope jumps, you set a goal of 600 rope jumps since you think you can do 2 jumps per second and want to jump for 10 minutes and then you make your first 20 jumps and you're already out of breath, fighting against mosquitoes and you realize it was a stupid idea to jump on grass because it interferes with the rope too much but you say to yourself you want to do at least 100 then and then you reach 100 while contemplating all your life decisions but you didn't mess up your 100th jump so you continued jumping and when you messed up you also continued because you didn't want to stop on an uneven number and then you do 60 more jumps and almost die but feel smug anyway.
Hey @k00b, FYI, getting a "submit error: could not generate invoice" notice when trying to withdraw to another sn lightning address.
No rush, just an FYI.
Maybe they are above the deposit limit but we don't expose that for privacy reasons
Ah yes that makes sense.
Sent less and it worked. Problem solved.
So if I zap people it's ok for them to go over the wallet limit but not with a deposit.
When I pay out pool winnings I like to deposit instead of zap to save the fees. But say we have a 200k sats prize for the football pool this year, my only options will be zap or to pay them to an external wallet correct?
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 1 Jul
Yes, that's right.
Ok. Good to know. Will plan accordingly.
141 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 1 Jul
Heads up: going to deploy within an hour and the site will go down for a few minutes probably.
I really don't like how people don't use link posts but simply copy the link content and then add the link at the bottom. It feels like they are gaming our attention.
I just clicked on a post where I immediately scrolled to the bottom because I wondered if the link would be there. And indeed, there it was.
Come on guys, you're better than this.
Like this? #579784
For example 👀
I prefer adding the link in the post so I can make a snarky comment along with the link. Why do you wish to take that joy from me?
I haven't noticed much of that lately, freebie. It seems like we have lots of link posts. I do wish people would add some text to describe the linked content or offer a few thoughts about it, rather than just have the links.
My problem is if they don't do that but hide in the feed that it's not their content but from a link by not using a link post.
At least they include the link at the bottom but it's still deceptive.
We have lots of link posts but we also have lots of link posts disguised as discussions.
Oh, yeah, I have noticed that. My bad.
My day is going great. I started with breakfast, my favorite part of the morning. Then I began researching artificial intelligence and its benefits in commerce, and my fascination with AI increased. I watched my favorite TV show, and now I'm currently browsing through Stacker.
Bitcoiners leaving the fiat system. 😊 (Courtesy of Alan Watts)
Good Stackers today I want to thank the universe that I am a free man! and anyone who can read me is sure to be one too.
Long live Freedom 🗽 Damn!🍊⚡
Freedom week! Freedom with Bitcoin!
Howdy gang!!! July has officially begun and on Monday, so that is a good sign, make sure you thank for June and make a decree that July will be a phenomenal month. May your day be spectacular and full of productivity, success and love, my friend. Set your weekly strategies and lets start with a smile and good thoughts, thank you for being and thank you for giving your best everyday, let's do this!!! Be well and stay frosty!!
Sorry I like the conspiracy memes.
but this is not a conspiracy anymore. Is hard sad truth.
True dat. 👍
Day 196 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 868 sats on 30Jun2024! Running total: 118,104 sats!
Just asking because someone who I wanted to Orange Pill denied it because he didn't want to touch something that requires so much technical handling. He asked me if I had something simpler and easier to hold and spend, he would be willing to adopt it. He also said that fiat is very simple to use that's why it became popular as modern day currency.

The biggest hindrance in speedy Bitcoin adoption is the need of too much technical knowledge to use it?

Men are before the truth like bats before the light: blind. Aristote
111 sats \ 3 replies \ @Taft 1 Jul
Day 3 of weight loss posting every day ’til I reach 75kg (current weight 90.1kg).
Waist size is also important
It should be less than half of your height
GM stackers! Day 53 of my 10000 daily steps challenge. I love blue skies!!! Have a great day!
Sky is clear. Enjoy.
How many missteps lol
69 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 1 Jul
Seeing people walk out of our lives is really painful. We want them Run. Don't we?
What are you most looking forward to this week?
The inherent problem with fiat currency is that it eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero.
  • Voltaire
Fiat currency is paper backed by the confidence of the government; when that confidence fades, so does the value of the money.
Paper money
243 sats \ 8 replies \ @Lux 1 Jul

Prefixes and Suffixes

The people behind the system will use the deception and trickery of words to pull you into a legal jurisdiction that they control.
This is done when naive people just assume the meaning behind the word, rather than understanding the origin of it, and therefore not spotting the true meaning.
You must learn to read. This means look for a change in syntax, a change in font or case, detect the difference between symbolic language and one you read, and find the origin behind words and their legal meaning.
One trick used to perpetrate this deception is by the use of prefixes and suffixes.


The word “affix” means to “attach” or “fasten”, and when applied to words it means “an addition” to an existing word in order to modify its meaning or create a new word.


Pre means “former” or “before”, therefore prefix means an addition placed before another word in order to change its meaning.


Suf comes from the Latin preposition sub, which is a word-forming element meaning, “under”, “beneath”, “behind”, “resulting from further division”.
Such as:
  • Submarine
  • Subject
  • Subdivision
  • Subframe
A suffix added at the end of a word forms a derivative called a morpheme, which usually changes the origin word to now describe an action, or carrying out the action of.
Morpheme meaning: a unit of a language that cannot be further divided.
There are 82 prefixes and suffixes within the English language, with over 170,000 words. Here are just a few examples.


The prefix “con” means “with” or “joint” or “together”, although “con” comes from the Latin word contra meaning “against” or “opposite”.
This can be confusing so you would need to understand the word in context in order to correctly interpret the meaning.
Such as:
  • Confession – Con “against”, fess “to speak”, ion “action of”.
  • Constitution – Con “together”, stitut Latin for “set up, decided”, ion “process”.
  • Consent – Con “together”, sent “feel”.
  • Convey – Con “together”, vey “way” or to “transfer” or “pass on”.
As a literacy coach who teaches students how to identify affixes and decode the meaning of unfamiliar words, I devoured this! Thanks
🧡Most excellent posts! 🧡
They say: "You are breaking the law! Do you under-stand me?"
And the scared shitizen, just giving a clueless answer: "Yes" 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Grammar lessons now? Are they necessary for facing the court! 😎👍
121 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 1 Jul
I think I'm missing the context here. The spelling from the judge got dismissed? Where did she mess up?
is it because he stated who he was before he entered the floodgates?
24 sats \ 0 replies \ @fed 1 Jul
Day 4 of collecting taxes from stackers.
Collected so far: amount of sats redacted.
Day 443 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
...and day 8 of trimmin' the fat (96.0 | 80.0 | 1.6).
I realized I still didn't ask you:
What's your strategy with losing weight? Calisthenics? Intermittent fasting? Counting calories? Only eating as fast as a snail?
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Tbh, I think 0.5kg / week is still a lot.
Also, I realized in the past that tracking my weight distracted me from the more important thing: how I feel in my body. If you gain more muscle than you lose fat, you'll gain weight, which can be demotivating, even though it’s actually a better outcome. I don’t even know how much I weighed when I was at my peak bouldering performance.
I have also started exercising again, and while I will keep track of my weight, I don’t have specific weight goals. Instead, I have exercise goals like reaching my previous bouldering grade, running 10km again, or being able to do 10 pull-ups. I think my weight will decrease, but I'll be more happy when I can do even one good pull-up. I think I was never able to do that in my life, lol.
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I have read that waist measurement should be less than half your height
Waist > 0.5 * height = danger ‼️ zone
Keep pushing. Both your body and BTC.
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This happened in Japan in 1990. Rich retirees sold their assets and Japan has been in a slump for 34 years
Boomer exit liquidity
Great line
I think you're right. Renting has some advantages and disadvantages, but everyone has a different life situation and we have to see what's best for each of us. Thanks for the calculator!
Home ownership is a big goal in USA. Not so much in Europe
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You have to factor in leverage
Borrow 80 percent, home equity increases, etc
Maybe you can take out a home equity line of credit and buy bitcoin
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Day 58 of posting till next Bitcoin halving.
Day 2 of my daily posting journey, after I lost my cowboy hat in a wild shoot-out on the outskirts of town.
previously: #591937 🤠⚡