Fact, and there is no way around this. I welcome that the debate on immigration has matured over the last few years. The arguments are now infiltrating the mainstream narrative, they are almost impossible to ignore, and cannot be anymore refuted with the usual "racism" non-argument. The lowering of living standards following the population explosion is difficult to ignore, especially in these difficult times. You can't afford to buy a house, you can't get a doctor appointment, get into a decent school etc. It's real...
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The subject is no longer taboo
You become what you import
California is now 45 percent Hispanic because of illegal immigration. California is now a third world state. Coincidence?
If people hate Western culture then go east. You will not be missed
German women are getting raped by third world immigrants
When people call me racist I double down on racist comments
I cite crime and welfare statistics and the typical response is there are rapists in Germany too!
Have you heard of Camp of the Saints by Raspail? He wrote the novel in 1973. He was concerned that mass immigration from outside Europe would destroy French culture and western civilisation