From Kollider Telegram group:
Hi folks 👋
We are currently running an open alpha program with a new product we’re planning on launching. It is called Kollider Pay ( and it's a custodial lightning wallet that enables you to peg your Bitcoin to a fiat currency (USD & EUR). It uses the Kollider perpetual swaps on the back to achieve this. It is very similar to Galoys Stablesats project - you can read up on it here
The entire project UI + Backend is open source and lives here: and our intention with this is to raise awareness of what cool things are possible with perpetual swaps and the Kollider API. If you’re an open source developer that is interested in Rust and/or Next.js feel free to contribute! If you want to run your own instance of Lndhubx and run into problems let us know!
If you’re interested in taking the app for a spin, a live version can be found here ( It is very early days and there are bound to be bugs and missing UI features. Nevertheless, we believe that now is a good time to start the feedback cycle. So if you have any suggestions for features, improvement ideas or find any bugs you can post them here or on our Canny board (
Since it's just an alpha version we currently limit the sats you can deposit to very small amounts. However, even then, don’t be reckless! ( Kollider Wallet Synthetic stablecoins.