What really rubs me the wrong way is that I'm open to the concept that the shots may have been net beneficial for say "those over 65".
However, for kids Covid presents itself as the common-cold. So are they pushing to vaccinate kids? The risk-benefit analysis is way way off....
Using cruise boats as a case study is a great idea.
Speaking completely anecdotally. I know several people (including me) who got Covid. I know no one who died, nor anyone who was hospitalized. The vast majority would've described it as an average or less flu.
So, my experience aligns with the cruise boat data....
Also the average or median age of a cruise 🚢 is 65 or 70.
Despite the high number of senior citizens the infection and death rates were low, no reason for panic or lockdown
The cruise passengers and crew were quarantined inside. Fresh air reduces the risk of infection
Cruise passengers are newlyweds and nearly dead
The biggest risk factor for covid deaths is obesity
Plus their risk reward ratio is favourable vs a child or thin person