Add external traffic contribution to the daily rewards.
Ie, if you post content that gets relatively more external attention, tilt the daily rewards in their favor.
I'd love to do this. If it were you, how would you deal with bots/sybils being used to generate traffic?
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @jeff 30 Jun
First, I'd keep that part of the code closed-source. Treat it like a black box, an extension, to the open source parts. The goal for the extension is fast inference, using traffic metadata to predict, probability-of-bot.
Second, I'd run a few models in parallel, all trying to compete for bot detection.
Third, I'd explore joining data sets, to improve the models.
Tech wise - its a mix of python, kubeflow, maybe snowflake.
Data wise - its probably a mix of vendor + quality of traffic + a training set comprised of human curated real-user activity.