For the Trump lovers. Let's be honest. He lies all the time. That doesn't excuse how the media has lied about him and to the world. But Trump is not our saviour.
I will say, almost every criticism of Trump from Biden and the media is based in misleading info at best.
The whole thing is a joke. The only people that seem to get it are people outside of the left right red blue mind control machine.
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Unfortunately none will help Americans, they will keep Americans clueless about the shadow government.
Very true.
There were a couple things in the debate that were said about Trump that I wanted to check for myself and it just confirmed what I already thought.
The world will roll on no matter which clown they put up there for us to believe in. I have almost zero influence over that. I need to refocus. I've been sucked into this stupid clown show.
Both sides act like the world will end if they lose. Its absurd. We've seen the world with both of these clowns. There are differences but as usual they are lying about most of it.
If Biden or his replacement win another term, the world will get worse.
This is a repeat of 1980 Carter vs Reagan
Elections have consequences
Carter was the wrong choice.
Politicians are not saviours including Milei
I like Trump because he is an outsider and populist whose policy ideas I mostly agree with.
A bigger and more enduring saviour will be the end of Chevron deference. This is seismic.