Like I said, and you said the US is screwed. NgU is what attracts people in the US.
In the US medium of exchange is not a big concern. The dollar is stable enough for most people. They have high time preference. They do not care about bitcoin as a medium of exchange.
In the US the bigger issue for the wealthy is their savings and wealth being robbed by inflation/fiat. This is why you see more focus on NgU. Most people do not care about self sovereignty. I would argue most bitcoiners do not either. At least in the US.
Bitcoin doesn't care. In countries that have even worse inflation and limited options for banking and peer to peer censorship resistant commerce bitcoin has more appeal. I think we agree Darth. I'm just not as absolutist about it. I live in the comfortable sheeple world. These are the people I know. I have tried to get them interesting in bitcoin. Most just don't care. They won't until they see the need. Greed is really the biggest tool to get them in the door.
In Latin America the residents prefer to collect dollars including tether because it’s more stable than the peso etc
Even in El Salvador most people transact in dollars.
I think it’s a progression: peso —> USD —> btc