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15 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 29 Jun
This guy is mainlining the political black pill's active ingredient which produces some kind of post-modern thing where reality is reality's satire. It makes me mildly deranged and hopeless in an exciting way.
Friends: I am not disputing that insane, beautiful things will happen if Trump wins the election. I just don’t hear anything I think will work. And I think that will be good for the bad people.
Yes: part of me also wants to see “the revolt of vitalism, the return of the spirit of the Bronze Age, and the destruction of the cities in fire.” But we’ll never get there, or anywhere, unless we play it smart.
And guys: don’t be like the guy who got out of Plato’s cave, into a slightly bigger cave. Dave Rubin writes on X:
And most importantly, who has really been in charge? Because it obviously hasn’t been Joe Biden. It’s likely Obama, via his holdovers. And if that’s not treason, I don’t know what is.
No, it’s not crazy! You’re crazy. You’re crazy because you still believe in the kayfabe. You care so much about Washington and have no idea at all how it works. That’s crazy.
Of course no one is “in charge,” Dave. You seem reasonably cogent, though I had to fix your grammar. No one is or has been “in charge.” Since when? Since 2020? Have you considered the possibility that the right number might be—1945?
Nice passage
Yarvin might frame the Trump/Biden debate as a symptom of broader cultural and civilization decline. He could argue that the quality of political discourse reflects deeper issues within Western civilization that need to be addressed.
When he wrote as Mencius Moldbug he wrote a whole piece about “wiping the OS and doing a clean install”.