For simple swaping out, I usually use multiple (temporary) LN wallets, non-KYC custodials: Blink, Alby, CoinOS, Walletano, Lifpay, WoS etc.
Not all the time I want to move into an onchain address the funds I already have in LN channels. Sometimes I need them back, so swaping IN from onchain sometimes can be more expensive or more bothering. Using these custodial temporary wallets, some of them also have integrated swaps, is much easier and faster and cheaper.
Mastering LN wallets is like an art 😂😂😂
Your strategy of having multiple custodial wallets is definitely interesting, not really matching my minimalistic approach, but I understand now the why 😅
I definitely need to open more private channels
There are quite some approaches, depending what do you want to achieve and use cases.
Here in this guide, I explained some simple scenarios how I use Zeus embedded node.
In another guide I explained a bit that image with the kid trying to climb that wallets ladder: