Hey All - what was the point for you that you realized it is Bitcoin only and nothing else? I know many of us have had previous journeys with shit-coins, trading in and out of Bitcoin and in certain cases falling into the mainstream narrative (i.e. it's a scam, it's a Ponzi, used for money laundering, only can buy drugs, etc.)
The tipping point for me was twofold. The first part was seeing the legal tender announcement by Nayib Bukele people who never had a bank account now can transact digitally at scale. This was a huge epiphany for me because, in their entire lives, many of these people weren't "credit worthy" to open up an account - so the banks let them down, and Bitcoin never let them down. I saw that Shitcoins often rugged people, didn't have absolute scarcity and often was led by a centralized tech team.
The next thing was understanding that a lot of our world remits money from the U.S. to a poorer home country. After seeing this, I realized Western Union and all of these traditional capital allocators are just rent-seekers trying to make a living off-fee income from the less fortunate. El Salvador has a large remittance market too, so after seeing this I realized that this is going to change the lives of many around the world.
Access to transactions in the digital age, paired with the ability to remit money globally for a much smaller cost - is what transitioned me to Bitcoin maximalism.
The ridiculousness of fiat and crypto made me a Bitcoin maximalist. Both are complete clown worlds.
I still can't believe how many crypto projects there are. 27,000+ it blows my mind. 0 scarcity.
LOL human stupidity have no limits :)
lol truly
Oh my, it 10x since I last was on coinmarketcap lol
I actually wrote about it when I noticed a big jump lol #216659
What Made You Become Bitcoin Maximalist?
See in my SN bio the "DarthCoin story": https://stacker.news/DarthCoin and I wrote a guest post on Simply Bitcoin blog about what motivate me to be a Bitcoin Maxi: https://simplybitcoin.substack.com/p/how-bitcoin-will-change-your-life
Thanks for the share sir!
Bitcoin is the only thing I've seen so far that might actually be able to defeat the state. That's why I'm all in.
Fuck the state 😂😂😂
Ha! I've never seen that before.
What if the state becomes a bitcoiner, could the state be defeated then?
Bitcoin is only for individuals not for states. States can't use Bitcoin, it's a fallacy.
It might depend on our definition of "victory". Sound money is a severe constraint against tyranny. That's why tyrants always seek to undermine the money.
The government thinks the government should be able to print money.
Shitcoiners think everyone should be able to print money.
Maxis think no one should be able to print money.
Thinking, research, and time1.


  1. I don't use that term but if you mean it as someone who believes bitcoin is the future and shitcoins are at best a waste and at worst scams then yeah. ↩
Time got me, I don't think I would have ever been bitcoin only from the get-go. I was always someone who thought I can squeeze out more gains through this volatile option over here.
Bitcoin is freedom from fiat slavery.
All around me everyday I see fiat slaves for as far as I can see. Everyone is chasing the quick wins and they don't see bitcoin as a quick win anymore. Hence why many of them leverage themselves and trade shitcoins.
I just used my brain.
35 sats \ 1 reply \ @guts 29 Jun
Glad I am not maxi.
Not for the faint of heart!!!
In short, the technical side and basic knowledge about what money is supposed to be.
The fact that you can make a finite money supply backed by the absolute nature of mathematics is a simple enough equation for me to understand that everything will settle to bitcoin in the end.
Around the time of the ICO craze I started getting interested in Bitcoin but wasn't convinced to buy yet, so I was messing around on various faucet websites to try to get a little Bitcoin for free. These websites were all pushing some very sketchy shitcoin and ICO project, and I quickly realized it was all total garbage and that I wanted nothing to do with it. Fortunately I was also binge watching Andreas Antonopoulos videos at the time and it clicked.
When I realized gold has mass.
Realising that bitcoin was better than precious metals to stick it to the state, then the maximalism part was cemented by being rugged on shitcoins and that everything (including stocks) is a manipulated scam
Basically, since I was a child I always suspected that something was wrong with money, I always had the suspicion that something was not right, when I grew up I definitely understood that it was wrong when I studied the fiat system, and then I found Bitcoin which was the missing piece in the puzzle.
I don't know if I can already calk me a maximalist. It's just been 6 months into Bitcoin. But, as I'm so much into Bitcoin now that I lovingly accept it as a tag.
I'm fed up with all the drama that politics and current monetary system imposed know us!!
In the past, I've taken my maximalism in stages. Back in 2016, I was a dedicated Ethereum enthusiast, but by 2018, my opinion changed after a revealing experience - I worked as a freelance on project for a ICO as utility token that turned out to be a scam, much like 99.999% of other ICOs. I kept the payment in ETH from that job until around 2019, when my maximalism kicked in. At that time, I decided to exchange all my shit coins and airdrops and Bitcoin forks like Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV for bitcoin . The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent money printing by governments around the world strengthened my conviction, so I swapped all my fiat money in bitcoin using dollar-cost averaging.
To provide some context, I received my first Bitcoin in late 2010 and became deeply involved in the whitepaper, trying to understand its concepts. In 2011, I started buying Bitcoin. I later switched to Ethereum, in 2017 and sold almost all my holdings for fiat. I didn't return to Bitcoin until 2019 again.
What wallet did you use in 2010?
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @q 30 Jun
What is called Bitcoin core today it's former name was Bitcoin-Qt. Managed to forgot my password for my first encrypted wallet, I spent one weekend trying to test all combinations around 2011, The issue was my frequency on typing the password was so high that two letter could swap and if I concentrated to write it correct it would become in the correct order but could some times fail when my mussle memory just made the dance on the keyboard.
Don't remember exactly year but started using the Bitcoin wallet on android by Schildbach which I used in Berlin to buy beer and burgers at Room 77. And also went with Myceliym which was early with Hierarchical Deterministic addresses.
Was doing some reckless stuff with blockchain.info wallets where your wallet was the id in the URL, but it was convenient.
M1 & M2 is a strong reason to go bitcoin maxi :D
Surprisingly it happened in May 2022, after the Terra Luna collapse, at the beginning of the bear market....I suddenly truly realize the importance of Bitcoin, its open source nature, its real decentralization, inconfiscability and incurruptibility
Love it, yea I know many people that had an eye-opening experience after the collapse. A tragedy, many people lost absolutely everything from that. It should make one question their life direction...
Before bitcoin, there was the End the Fed movement. One event I had participated in was a gathering on the steps of a Federal Reserve bank branch and we demonstrated our disgust with the fiat system by burning our dollar bills.
I felt, however, helpless. Burning those dollars actually increased the value of those dollars which remained (though by an ultra miniscule amount, probably less than $50 went up in flames that afternoon).
A couple years later I read an article describing bitcoin and I then learned about the genius of the proof-of-work algorithm. Bitcoin has been a part of my life, literally every day, ever since.
I love to hear it. The end the fed movement was kind of black pilled, or did they try to adopt a gold standard? I know people want to end the FED, but don't believe in Bitcoin/Gold - they want a barter society to return lol
living through blockwars and ETH creation
Many people were on the wrongside of the block wars. Insane to hear what happened throughout this!
There no second best.
Easy I hate banks!
After working in banks for a while, I also started to understand the importance of btc.
Understanding the fundamentals, that made it for me. I started with XNO because I was desperately looking for a working micro-payment method which at the time btc was still incapable off. Then I started to understand everything better. I think it's optimal to get your hands dirty with shitcoins to actually see what's all about. Isolating yourself solely within bitcoin without any clue on what's outside will prevent you from actually understanding bitcoin itself. For instance we can't deny the fundamental role ETH has had all along, from which even BTC is feeding now.
Agreed. Most people I know always dabble a little bit into shitcoins, then start leaning into alts. Then they make a mistake and are back to bitcoin only.
the more research i make on bitcoin the i trust and love it. Bitcoin's historical performance in terms of price appreciation and adoption has been remarkable, leading many to trust its long-term potential more than newer, less proven cryptocurrencies
It’s the one thing I own that nobody can take from me. There can only ever be 21 million. When everyone figures that out there won’t be anyone who saves that won’t want it.
Because bitcoin is the solution to all the world's financial problems.
Money is a winner takes all game. Bitcoin is the best money. Bitcoin will win it all.
On 2015 remember buy bitcoin for buying shitcoins for projects that thought could be useful. One of these was FairCoin. But I clearly remember the mind-change situation... was reading Bitcoin Standard. This book make me realized that the only coin that I need is bitcoin, and I don't need to swap for nothing, or put to invest on any platform. I must to have the custody. All I need is stack sats! That's all!!
It definitely is an easier approach to keep it simple!
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.