@aftermath I'm having some issue swapping out some liquidity to onchain on a new node #589834 maybe you can help me dive into the various options I'm testing.
I have a channel with Bolts so this swap was pretty straight forward and the fee reflected what was advertised.
I'm now testing coinos and wondering if I should open a private channel with their node too? Considering I've only private channels and my node is running on Tor, I'm now finding it hard to swap funds from my node to the coinos wallet.
any suggestion?
Hi @npub1q67p49masrcjf__d7qaq6mwh0q, sorry for the delayed response.
Indeed, the coinos node it's hard to reach because there aren't many routes to it and the ones that do have liquidity are charging high fees (it seems that there's way more demand for sending sats to it than from it), sometimes making the swap uneconomical.
I think opening a private channel to it is probably the best option, it will require receiving/balancing to that channel to send the funds and coinos will know that you are the one sending the funds, but other than that there's no drawbacks.
An alternative could be opening a public channel, helping others to reach the node and charging a fee for it. The caveat with this last option is that you depend on the coinos node to send funds through your channel to refill the liquidity. May be profitable if the fees are chosen correctly.